Our sequencing data (Illumina HiSeq2500, 100SE) for this project has completed by Univ. of Oregon Genomics Core Facility (order number 2112).
Samples sequenced/pooled for this run:
Sample | Treatment | Barcode |
HB2 | 25,000ppm oil | ATCACG |
HB16 | 25,000ppm oil | TTAGGC |
HB30 | 25,000ppm oil | TGACCA |
NB3 | No oil | ACAGTG |
NB6 | No oil | GCCAAT |
NB11 | No oil | CAGATC |
All code listed below was run on OS X 10.9.5
Downloaded all 15 fastq.gz files to Owl/web/nightingales/C_virginica.
Renamed all files by removing the beginning of each file name (2112?fileName=) and replacing that with 2112_:
$for file in 2112*lane1_NoIndex_L001_R1_0*; do mv "$file" "${file/#2112?fileName=/2112_}"; done
Created a directory readme.md (markdown) file to list & describe directory contents: readme.md
$ls *.gz >> readme.md
Note: In order for the readme file to appear in the web directory listing, the file cannot be all upper-case.
Created MD5 checksums for each fastq.gz file: checksums.md5
$md5 *.gz >> checksums.md5