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Data Storage and System Organization

Hyak (klone) Storage Locations & Capacities

1. User-specific storage

  • Storage allocation: 10GB (or 256,000 files)
  • Located on your login node (e.g. /mmfs1/home/<UW_NetID>)
  • To see space and file utilization: hyakstorage
  • For personal data, scripts, and other small files, or files you don't want potentially changed by others.

2. Group-specific storage

  • Storage allocation: 1.024TB (or 1,000,000 files)
  • Located: /gscratch/srlab/
  • Shared by all srlab members.
  • To see space and file utilization: hyakstorage

3. Temporary storage ("Scrubbed")

  • Storage allocation: 200TB (or 200,000,000 files).
  • Located: /gscratch/scrubbed/<UW_NetID>
  • Shared by all Hyak (Klone) users.
  • Files are automatically deleted 30 days after creation.

Suggested User Organization

You should be aware of storage limits above, but here is a suggestion of how to organize your files.

In our group-specific storage (/gscratch/srlab/<UW_NetID>) create clear subdirectories that any files that might be needed over the course of months or years and are not large in size.

Generally you will need to use the temporary storage. Roughly >= 100GB of input or output would qualify for using this space. Of course this will always depend on our free space in group-specific storage. Just be aware of the 30 day limit in /gscratch/scrubbed/.

An example of how Steven operates:

  • For every job, he creates a directory (e.g. /gscratch/scrubbed/sr320/020322-oly-snp) and includes job shell script in this directory and write out to same directory. Once complete he transfers the directory via rsync to his personal directory on Gannet.