Quick start guide to running a job on Klone
See the "Running a job" instructions for a more detailed description of how set up and run a job on Klone.
SSH into Klone:
ssh <UW_NetID>@klone.hyak.uw.edu
- You'll need to replace
(including the<
) with your UW NetID.
- You'll need to replace
Create a SLURM script (e.g.
) with the following commands (these come after the SLURM header):module load apptainer apptainer exec \ --home $PWD \ --bind /mmfs1/home/ \ --bind /mmfs1/gscratch/ \ --bind /gscratch/ \ /gscratch/srlab/containers/srlab-bioinformatics-container-<git_commit_hash>.sif \ <commands-script.sh>
- You'll need to replace anything in
(including the<
) with your specific requirements. <commands-script.sh>
is a Bash script containing all of the commands/programs you wan to run.
- You'll need to replace anything in
IMPORTANT: <commands-script.sh>
needs to be executable!! Make sure to run chmod +x <commands-script.sh>
to make it executable.
Submit job to SLURM scheduler (i.e. start your job):
sbatch <slurm_script_name.sh>
- You'll need to replace anything in
(including the<
) with your specific requirements.
- You'll need to replace anything in
For more information, check out the following:
Roberts Lab Klone guides: