A previous comparison was performed (see 20110209), but it was determined that the standard DNA being used to test the machines was old/degraded. Lisa ordered a new standard DNA dilutions series (Quant-iT dsDNA Kit; Invitrogen) and these DNAs were used. All DNAs were measured 5 times and were mixed by gently flicking between each measurement. A “blank” was measured between each different [DNA] and, if the reading was > + or - 1ng/uL, the machine was reblanked.
Quick assessment is that Graham’s NanoDrop1000 is more accurate than ours.
[Here is a spreadsheet with averages, standard deviations and experimental error (%)(https://spreadsheets4.google.com/ccc?hl=en&key=tSqYT6UZDXFLvxIq0XmCzFw&authkey=CICJ1-wC&hl=en#gid=0). Below are the raw measurements from both machines.
Roberts Lab ND100:
Young Lab ND1000: