The DNA extracted and sheared on 20150109 was in a volume too great to proceed with bisulfite conversion. Dried the samples to complete dryness in a SpeedVac (~4hrs). Reconsitituted DNA in 24μL of NanoPure water. Will bisulfite convert tomorrow.
Sample list:SAMPLE ID | DATE | TREATMENT (ppm) |
TOTAL DNA (ng) |
6B5 | 20110513 | 400 | 5,000 | 105 |
1B2 | 20110513 | 1000 | 5,000 | 109 |
6B2 | 20110513 | 400 | 10,000 | 117 |
1B1 | 20110513 | 1000 | 10,000 | 593 |
1B1 | 20110519 | 1000 | NA | 500 |
1B2 | 20110519 | 1000 | NA | 500 |
6B2 | 20110519 | 400 | NA | 269 |
6B1 | 20110519 | 400 | NA | 345 |
Updated the quantification spreadsheet with a column labeled “New” that calculates the new concentrations of the above samples in the 24μL volume.