Amazingly, we need more gDNA for the two genome sequencing projects (geoduck and Olympia oyster). Used geoduck adductor muscle sample from Box 1 of the geoduck samples collected by Brent & Steven on 20150811. Used Olympia oyster ctenidia from Box 1 of adductor muscle sample collected by Brent & Steven on 20150812.
Tissues were split in approximately half, minced and transferred to tubes with 1mL of DNAzol + 50μg/mL of Proteinase K (Fermentas). Previously, I had just homogenized samples. I’m hoping that the overnight digestion with Proteinase K will help increase yields from these.
Tissue weights:
Geoduck adductor muscle tube 1: 292mg (gone)
Geoduck adductor muscle tube 2: 320mg (gone)
Olympia oyster ctenidia tube 1: 135mg (gone)
Olympia oyster ctenidia tube 2: 130mg (gone)
Samples were isolated using DNAzol (Molecular Research Center) according to the manufacturer’s protocol, with the following adjustments:
Samples were incubated O/N @ RT on a rotator.
After Proteinase K digestion, added 40μL RNAse A (100mg/mL) and incubated @ RT for 15mins.
Performed optional centrifugation step (10,000g, 10mins @ RT)
Initial pellet wash was performed using a 70%/30% DNAzol/EtOH
Pellets were resuspended Buffer EB (Qiagen)
Resuspension volume = 500μL total for each species
Samples were incubated O/N at RT to facilitate pellet resuspension.
NOTE: Geoduck “pellets” were not very DNA pellet-like. Very loose, white, and sort of disintegrate (but not dissolve in solution) when attempted to resuspend.