Isolated DNA from 24 2SN ctenidia samples from Friday’s sampling (#32 - 55). Samples were thawed at RT.
DNA was isolated using the E.Z.N.A. Mollusc Kit (Omega BioTek) according to the manufacturer’s protocol with the following changes:
Samples were incubated @ 60C for only 1hr, per Steven’s recommendation (an attempt to prevent degradation)
No optional steps were performed
Used 300μL of MBL Buffer for all samples (this was more than the recovered volume of aqueous phase from each sample)
Single elution of 50μL
Samples were stored @ -20C in: Oly gDNA Oly Reciprocal Transplant Final Sampling Box #1.
Some notes:
Total time (including 1hr incubation): 4.5hrs.
Short incubation time did not completely digest samples
Partial tissue digestions led to difficulties in recovering entire aqueous phase, post chloroform treatment