Submitted the FASTQ files from the UW PacBio Data from 20170323 to the [NCBI sequence read archive (SRA)(
FTP’d the data to NCBI’s servers, following their instructions. Briefly,
Change to the directory where the FASTQ files are (Owl/web/nightingales/O_lurida
) and then initiate an FTP session:
<code>ftp -i</code>
Enter provided username/password, change to my designated uploads directory, create new folder dedicate to this particular upload. Then, upload all the files using the mput
<code>mput *filtered_subreads*</code>
SRA deets are below (assigned FASTQ files to existing BioProject and created a new BioSample). Will update post with SRA number when processing is complete on the NCBI end.
SRA: SRS2339870 Study: SRR5809355 BioProject: PRJNA316624 BioSample: SAMN07326085