Here’s a brief overview of what Sean has done with the Oly genome assembly front.
Assemble his BGI assembly and Platanus assembly? Confusing terms here; not sure what he means.
Failed due to 32-bit vs. 64-bit installation of MUMmer. He didn’t have the chance to re-compile MUMmer as 64-bit. However, a recent MUMmer announcement suggests that MUMmer can now handle genomes of unlimited size.
I believe he was planning on using (or was using?) GARM, which relies upon MUMmer and may also include a version of MUMmer (outdated version that led to Sean’s error message?).
Assemble UW PacBio data (filenames beginning with m170211, m170315, m170308, and m170301).
Files (including Mox scripts, Pilon contig polishing, & output FASTA files) are here:
Assembled raw Illumina reads provided by BGI (filenames beginning with 15114 and 16103) & UW PacBio data (filenames beginning with m170211, m170315, m170308, and m170301).
Ran this two times.
First run
Files (does NOT include Mox scripts!) are here:
Second run
Files (including Mox scripts & output FASTA files) are here:
Assembled raw Illumina reads provided by BGI (beginning with 151114 and 160103).
Ran this two times.
First run
Files (including Mox scripts & output FASTA files) are here:
Second run
Files (including Mox scripts & output FASTA files) are here: