To continue towards getting our Panopea generosa (Pacific geoduck) genome assembly (v1.0) analyzed with BlobToolKit, per this GitHub Issue, I’ve decided to run each aspect of the pipeline manually, as I continue to have issues utilizing the automatic pipeline. As such, I’ve run DIAMOND
BLASTx according to the BlobToolKit “Getting Started” guide on Mox.
IMPORTANT: This is BLAST’ed against a customized UniProt database, per the BlobToolKit instructions here.. For posterity, here’re the instuctions provided on the website:
mkdir -p uniprot
wget -q -O uniprot/reference_proteomes.tar.gz \$(curl \
-vs 2>&1 | \
awk '/tar.gz/ {print $9}')
cd uniprot
tar xf reference_proteomes.tar.gz
touch reference_proteomes.fasta.gz
find . -mindepth 2 | grep "fasta.gz" | grep -v 'DNA' | grep -v 'additional' | xargs cat >> reference_proteomes.fasta.gz
echo "accession\taccession.version\ttaxid\tgi" > reference_proteomes.taxid_map
zcat */*/*.idmapping.gz | grep "NCBI_TaxID" | awk '{print $1 "\t" $1 "\t" $3 "\t" 0}' >> reference_proteomes.taxid_map
diamond makedb -p 16 --in reference_proteomes.fasta.gz --taxonmap reference_proteomes.taxid_map --taxonnodes ../taxdump/nodes.dmp -d reference_proteomes.dmnd
cd -
SBATCH script (GitHub):
## Job Name
#SBATCH --job-name=20210415_pgen_diamond_blastx_Panopea-generosa-v1.0
## Allocation Definition
#SBATCH --account=srlab
#SBATCH --partition=srlab
## Resources
## Nodes
#SBATCH --nodes=1
## Walltime (days-hours:minutes:seconds format)
#SBATCH --time=10-00:00:00
## Memory per node
#SBATCH --mem=500G
##turn on e-mail notification
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
## Specify the working directory for this job
#SBATCH --chdir=/gscratch/scrubbed/samwhite/outputs/20210415_pgen_diamond_blastx_Panopea-generosa-v1.0
### DIAMOND BLASTx of Panopea-generosa-v1.0 against customized UniProt database
### for import into BlobToolKit.
### Output is customized for input into BlobToolKit
# These variables need to be set by user
# Exit script if any command fails
set -e
# Load Python Mox module for Python module availability
module load intel-python3_2017
# SegFault fix?
# Programs array
declare -A programs_array
# DIAMOND UniProt database
# Genome (FastA)
# Strip leading path and extensions
no_path=$(echo "${fasta##*/}")
no_ext=$(echo "${no_path%.*}")
# Run DIAMOND with blastx
# Customized output format for import into BlobToolKit
${programs_array[diamond]} blastx \
--db ${dmnd} \
--query "${fasta}" \
--out "${no_ext}".blastx.btk.outfmt6 \
--outfmt 6 qseqid staxids bitscore qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore \
--sensitive \
--evalue 1e-25 \
--max-target-seqs 1 \
--block-size 15.0 \
--index-chunks 4
# Generate checksums for future reference
echo ""
echo "Generating checksum for ${fasta}."
md5sum "${fasta}">> fastq.checksums.md5
echo "Completed checksum for ${fasta}."
echo ""
# Capture program options
echo "Logging program options..."
for program in "${!programs_array[@]}"
echo "Program options for ${program}: "
echo ""
# Handle samtools help menus
if [[ "${program}" == "samtools_index" ]] \
|| [[ "${program}" == "samtools_sort" ]] \
|| [[ "${program}" == "samtools_view" ]]
# Handle DIAMOND BLAST menu
elif [[ "${program}" == "diamond" ]]; then
${programs_array[$program]} help
# Handle NCBI BLASTx menu
elif [[ "${program}" == "blastx" ]]; then
${programs_array[$program]} -help
${programs_array[$program]} -h
echo ""
echo ""
echo "----------------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo ""
} &>> program_options.log || true
# If MultiQC is in programs_array, copy the config file to this directory.
if [[ "${program}" == "multiqc" ]]; then
cp --preserve ~/.multiqc_config.yaml multiqc_config.yaml
# Document programs in PATH (primarily for program version ID)
echo ""
echo "System PATH for $SLURM_JOB_ID"
echo ""
printf "%0.s-" {1..10}
echo "${PATH}" | tr : \\n
} >> system_path.log
echo "Finished logging system PATH"
Runtime was close to 5.5hrs:
Output folder:
Custom BLASTx output format (see SBATCH script for output formatting) for import to BlobToolKit (text):
Genome FastA checksum (text):
Once minimap2 alignments are complete, will get this imported into BlobToolKit viewer.