This is part of Chris’ project-mytilus-methylation(GitHub repo). Data was received from Psomagen on 20241101 (Notebook entry). I performed the initial QC using FastQC
and MultiQC
earlier today (Notebook entry).
Samples were trimmed using fastp
, followed by QC with FastQC
and MultiQC
A full backup of this repo, including large files, is available here:
This notebook is markdown knitted from 00.10-trimming-fastp-FastQC-MultiQC.Rmd
(commit 086a277
This Rmd file trims WGBS-seq files using fastp (Chen 2023), followed by quality checks with FastQC and MultiQC(Ewels et al. 2016).
Expects input files formatted like so: <number>M_[12].fastq.gz
All trimmed FastQs produced by this script are here:
1 Create a Bash variables file
This allows usage of Bash variables across R Markdown chunks.
echo "#### Assign Variables ####"
echo ""
echo "# Data directories"
echo 'export repo_dir="/gscratch/scrubbed/samwhite/gitrepos/project-mytilus-methylation"'
echo 'export output_dir_top="${repo_dir}/output/00.10-trimming-fastp-FastQC-MultiQC"'
echo 'export raw_reads_dir="${repo_dir}/data/raw-wgbs"'
echo 'export raw_reads_url=""'
echo 'export trimmed_fastqs_dir=${output_dir_top}/trimmed-fastqs'
echo 'export trimmed_fastqc_dir=${output_dir_top}/trimmed-fastqc'
echo ""
echo "# Set FastQ filename patterns"
echo "export fastq_pattern='*.fastq.gz'"
echo "export R1_fastq_pattern='*_1.fastq.gz'"
echo "export R2_fastq_pattern='*_2.fastq.gz'"
echo "export trimmed_fastq_pattern='*fastp-trim.fq.gz'"
echo ""
echo "# Set number of CPUs to use"
echo 'export threads=50'
echo ""
echo "## Inititalize arrays"
echo 'export fastq_array_R1=()'
echo 'export fastq_array_R2=()'
echo 'export raw_fastqs_array=()'
echo 'export R1_names_array=()'
echo 'export R2_names_array=()'
echo ""
echo "# Print formatting"
echo 'export line="--------------------------------------------------------"'
echo ""
} > .bashvars
cat .bashvars
#### Assign Variables ####
# Data directories
export repo_dir="/gscratch/scrubbed/samwhite/gitrepos/project-mytilus-methylation"
export output_dir_top="${repo_dir}/output/00.10-trimming-fastp-FastQC-MultiQC"
export raw_reads_dir="${repo_dir}/data/raw-wgbs"
export raw_reads_url=""
export trimmed_fastqs_dir=${output_dir_top}/trimmed-fastqs
export trimmed_fastqc_dir=${output_dir_top}/trimmed-fastqc
# Set FastQ filename patterns
export fastq_pattern='*.fastq.gz'
export R1_fastq_pattern='*_1.fastq.gz'
export R2_fastq_pattern='*_2.fastq.gz'
export trimmed_fastq_pattern='*fastp-trim.fq.gz'
# Set number of CPUs to use
export threads=50
## Inititalize arrays
export fastq_array_R1=()
export fastq_array_R2=()
export raw_fastqs_array=()
export R1_names_array=()
export R2_names_array=()
# Print formatting
export line="--------------------------------------------------------"
If needed, download raw FastQs.
Change eval=FALSE
to eval=TRUE
to execute the next two chunks to download RNA-seq and then verify MD5 checksums.
Reads are downloaded from
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
# Make output directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir --parents ${raw_reads_dir}
# Run wget to retrieve FastQs and MD5 files
wget \
${raw_reads_dir} \
--directory-prefix \
--recursive \
--no-check-certificate \
--continue \
--cut-dirs 3 \
--no-host-directories \
--no-parent \
--quiet \
--level=1 "[0-9]M*.fastq.gz,[0-9]M*.fastq.gz.md5sum" \
--accept ${raw_reads_url}
ls -lh "${raw_reads_dir}"
Verify raw read checksums
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
cd "${raw_reads_dir}"
# Checksums file contains other files, so this just looks for the sRNAseq files.
for file in *.md5sum
md5sum --check "${file}"
2 Fastp Trimming
fastp (Chen 2023) is set to auto-detect Illumina adapters, as well as trim the first 20bp from each read, as past experience shows these first 20bp are more inconsistent than the remainder of the read length.
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
# Make output directories, if it doesn't exist
mkdir --parents "${trimmed_fastqs_dir}"
# Change to raw reads directory
cd "${raw_reads_dir}"
# Create arrays of fastq R1 files and sample names
for fastq in ${R1_fastq_pattern}
R1_names_array+=("$(echo "${fastq}" | awk -F"_" '{print $1}')")
# Create array of fastq R2 files
for fastq in ${R2_fastq_pattern}
R2_names_array+=("$(echo "${fastq}" | awk -F"_" '{print $1}')")
# Create list of fastq files used in analysis
# Create MD5 checksum for reference
if [ ! -f "${output_dir_top}"/raw-fastq-checksums.md5 ]; then
for fastq in *.gz
md5sum "${fastq}" >>"${output_dir_top}"/raw-fastq-checksums.md5
# Run fastp on files
# Adds JSON report output for downstream usage by MultiQC
for index in "${!fastq_array_R1[@]}"
R1_sample_name=$(echo "${R1_names_array[index]}")
R2_sample_name=$(echo "${R2_names_array[index]}")
echo "${R1_sample_name}"
echo ""
fastp \
--in1 ${fastq_array_R1[index]} \
--in2 ${fastq_array_R2[index]} \
--detect_adapter_for_pe \
--trim_front1 20 \
--trim_front2 20 \
--thread ${threads} \
--html "${trimmed_fastqs_dir}"/"${R1_sample_name}" \
--json "${trimmed_fastqs_dir}"/"${R1_sample_name}" \
--out1 "${trimmed_fastqs_dir}"/"${R1_sample_name}"_R1.fastp-trim.fq.gz \
--out2 "${trimmed_fastqs_dir}"/"${R2_sample_name}"_R2.fastp-trim.fq.gz \
2>> "${trimmed_fastqs_dir}"/fastp.stderr
# Generate md5 checksums for newly trimmed files
cd "${trimmed_fastqs_dir}"
md5sum "${R1_sample_name}"_R1.fastp-trim.fq.gz > "${R1_sample_name}"_R1.fastp-trim.fq.gz.md5
md5sum "${R2_sample_name}"_R2.fastp-trim.fq.gz > "${R2_sample_name}"_R2.fastp-trim.fq.gz.md5
cd -
3 Quality Check with FastQC and MultiQC
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
############ RUN FASTQC ############
# Create array of trimmed FastQs
# Pass array contents to new variable as space-delimited list
trimmed_fastqc_list=$(echo "${trimmed_fastqs_array[*]}")
echo "Beginning FastQC on trimmed reads..."
echo ""
# Run FastQC
### NOTE: Do NOT quote raw_fastqc_list
fastqc \
${threads} \
--threads ${trimmed_fastqs_dir} \
--outdir \
--quiet ${trimmed_fastqc_list}
echo "FastQC on trimmed reads complete!"
echo ""
############ END FASTQC ############
############ RUN MULTIQC ############
echo "Beginning MultiQC on trimmed FastQC..."
echo ""
multiqc ${trimmed_fastqs_dir} -o ${trimmed_fastqs_dir}
echo ""
echo "MultiQC on trimmed FastQs complete."
echo ""
############ END MULTIQC ############
echo "Removing FastQC zip files."
echo ""
rm ${trimmed_fastqs_dir}/*.zip
echo "FastQC zip files removed."
echo ""