After a previous attempt at amplifying the C1q gene in bisulfite-converted DNA failed, we decided we should test out a standard PCR on untreated liver gDNA. I designed PCR primers for the C1Q gene on 20240916, I decided to evaluate Salvelinus namaycush gDNA integrity isolated on 20240712 to see if the DNA was degraded (or not).
Samples were run on 1.0% agarose, low-TAE gel with ethidium bromide. I prepared the DNA for loading by combining 0.5uL of each sample with 19.5uL of 1x TE, and 4uL of 6x Orange DNA Loading Dye (Thermo Scientific). The gel was run @ 107V for ~45mins and then imaged.
O’GeneRuler DNA Ladder Mix, Ready-to-Use 100-10,00bp (Thermo Scientific) was used (5uL) for size reference: