This notebook is part of project-clam-oa (GitHub repo).
Data was originally trimmed and merged on 20241210 (Notebook entry). Next step was to identify miRNAs using ShortStack. The notebook provides a basic count of miRNAs identified, but does not explore them in further detail.
This notebook is copied from knitted markdown from 02.00-ShortStack-31bp-fastp-merged.Rmd
(commit 49e3853
1 Description
Use ShortStack (Axtell2013-xu?; Johnson et al. 2016; Shahid2014-lx?) to perform alignment of sRNAseq data and annotation of sRNA-producing genes.
Due to large file sizes of some of the input and output files, not all files can be sync’d to GitHub. A full backup of this repo is available here:
Requires trimmed sRNAseq files generated by 01.00-trimming-fastp-fastqc.Rmd
- Filenames formatted:
- Filenames formatted:
Genome FastA:
MiRBase v22.1 FastA:
- See ShortStack outputs documentation for full list and detailed descriptions.
Software requirements:
- Utilizes a ShortStack Conda/Mamba environment, per the installation instructions.
Replace with name of your ShortStack environment and the path to the corresponding conda installation (find this after you’ve activated the environment).
# Activate environment
conda activate ShortStack-4.1.1_env
# Find conda path
which conda
2 Set R variables
<- c("ShortStack-4.1.1_env")
shortstack_conda_env_name <- c("/home/sam/programs/mambaforge/condabin/conda") shortstack_cond_path
3 Create a Bash variables file
This allows usage of Bash variables across R Markdown chunks.
echo "#### Assign Variables ####"
echo ""
echo "# Trimmed FastQ naming pattern"
echo "export trimmed_fastqs_pattern='*fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged.fq.gz'"
echo "# Data directories"
echo 'export repo_dir=/home/shared/8TB_HDD_01/sam/gitrepos/RobertsLab/project-clam-oa'
echo 'export repo_data_dir="${repo_dir}/data"'
echo 'export output_dir_top=${repo_dir}/output/02.00-ShortStack-31bp-fastp-merged'
echo 'export trimmed_fastqs_dir="${repo_dir}/output/01.00-trimming-fastp-fastqc"'
echo ""
echo "# Input/Output files"
echo 'export genome_fasta_dir=${repo_data_dir}/genome_files'
echo 'export genome_fasta_name="GCF_026571515.1_ASM2657151v2_genomic.fna"'
echo 'export shortstack_genome_fasta_name="GCF_026571515.1_ASM2657151v2_genomic.fa"'
echo 'export mirbase_mature_fasta=mirbase-mature-v22.1.fa'
echo 'export genome_fasta="${genome_fasta_dir}/${shortstack_genome_fasta_name}"'
echo ""
echo "# Set number of CPUs to use"
echo 'export threads=40'
echo ""
echo "# Initialize arrays"
echo 'export trimmed_fastqs_array=()'
} > .bashvars
cat .bashvars
#### Assign Variables ####
# Trimmed FastQ naming pattern
export trimmed_fastqs_pattern='*fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged.fq.gz'
# Data directories
export repo_dir=/home/shared/8TB_HDD_01/sam/gitrepos/RobertsLab/project-clam-oa
export repo_data_dir="${repo_dir}/data"
export output_dir_top=${repo_dir}/output/02.00-ShortStack-31bp-fastp-merged
export trimmed_fastqs_dir="${repo_dir}/output/01.00-trimming-fastp-fastqc"
# Input/Output files
export genome_fasta_dir=${repo_data_dir}/genome_files
export genome_fasta_name="GCF_026571515.1_ASM2657151v2_genomic.fna"
export shortstack_genome_fasta_name="GCF_026571515.1_ASM2657151v2_genomic.fa"
export mirbase_mature_fasta=mirbase-mature-v22.1.fa
export genome_fasta="${genome_fasta_dir}/${shortstack_genome_fasta_name}"
# Set number of CPUs to use
export threads=40
# Initialize arrays
export trimmed_fastqs_array=()
4 Load ShortStack conda environment
If this is successful, the first line of output should show that the Python being used is the one in your \[ShortStack\]( conda environment path.
python: /home/sam/programs/mambaforge/envs/mirmachine_env/bin/python
use_condaenv(condaenv = shortstack_conda_env_name, conda = shortstack_cond_path)
# Check successful env loading
python: /home/sam/programs/mambaforge/envs/ShortStack-4.1.1_env/bin/python
libpython: /home/sam/programs/mambaforge/envs/ShortStack-4.1.1_env/lib/
pythonhome: /home/sam/programs/mambaforge/envs/ShortStack-4.1.1_env:/home/sam/programs/mambaforge/envs/ShortStack-4.1.1_env
version: 3.12.8 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Dec 5 2024, 14:24:40) [GCC 13.3.0]
numpy: /home/sam/programs/mambaforge/envs/ShortStack-4.1.1_env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/numpy
numpy_version: 2.2.0
NOTE: Python version was forced by use_python() function
5 Run ShortStack
5.1 Excecute ShortStack command
Uses the --dn_mirna
option to identify miRNAs in the genome, without relying on the --known_miRNAs
This part of the code redirects the output of time
to the end of shortstack.log
; } \ 2>> ${output_dir_top}/shortstack.log
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
# Make output directory, if it doesn't exist
mkdir --parents "${output_dir_top}"
# Create array of trimmed FastQs
# Pass array contents to new variable as space-delimited list
trimmed_fastqs_list=$(echo "${trimmed_fastqs_array[*]}")
# Rename genome FastA to ShortStack naming convention
cp "${genome_fasta_dir}"/"${genome_fasta_name}" "${genome_fasta}"
###### Run ShortStack ######
{ time \
ShortStack "${genome_fasta}" \
--genomefile ${trimmed_fastqs_list} \
--readfile ${repo_data_dir}/${mirbase_mature_fasta} \
--known_miRNAs \
--dn_mirna ${threads} \
--threads ${output_dir_top}/ShortStack_out \
--outdir &> ${output_dir_top}/shortstack.log ; } \
2>> ${output_dir_top}/shortstack.log
5.2 Check runtime
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
tail -n 3 ${output_dir_top}/shortstack.log \
| grep "real" \
| awk '{print "ShortStack runtime:" "\t" $2}'
ShortStack runtime: 51m17.453s
6 Results
6.1 ShortStack synopsis
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
tail -n 25 ${output_dir_top}/shortstack.log
Writing final files
Found a total of 37 MIRNA loci
Non-MIRNA loci by DicerCall:
N 33525
22 60
21 18
23 17
24 9
Creating visualizations of microRNA loci with strucVis
<<< WARNING >>>
Do not rely on these results alone to annotate new MIRNA loci!
The false positive rate for de novo MIRNA identification is low, but NOT ZERO
Insepct each mirna locus, especially the strucVis output, and see ,
Tue 10 Dec 2024 07:29:36 -0800 PST
Run Completed!
real 51m17.453s
user 637m12.509s
sys 184m31.539s
ShortStack found NN miRNAs.
6.2 Inspect Results.txt
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
head ${output_dir_top}/ShortStack_out/Results.txt
echo ""
echo "----------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo "Nummber of potential loci:"
awk '(NR>1)' ${output_dir_top}/ShortStack_out/Results.txt | wc -l
Locus Name Chrom Start End Length Reads DistinctSequences FracTop Strand MajorRNA MajorRNAReads Short Long 21 22 23 24 DicerCall MIRNA known_miRNAs
NW_026851514.1:11444-11873 Cluster_1 NW_026851514.1 11444 11873 430 934 210 0.913 + UUGAAUUCUGCACACUACUUAUGAUAAAAGU 171 8 910 3 0 4 9 N N NA
NW_026851514.1:12401-12830 Cluster_2 NW_026851514.1 12401 12830 430 535 110 0.94 + UGAUAACUCUUUUAACUGAUUCAUACGAAC 318 1 523 3 2 1 5 N N NA
NW_026851515.1:76365-77030 Cluster_3 NW_026851515.1 76365 77030 666 11653 547 0.003 - UCCUACGAUCAAAGUUCGGCAACGUUCGAC 3215 5 11536 10 11 54 37 N N NA
NW_026851515.1:77089-77506 Cluster_4 NW_026851515.1 77089 77506 418 798 196 0.044 - UACUAGUACCUCUUCGAUUGCAUUUU 100 5 732 3 16 22 20 N N NA
NW_026851515.1:77511-78358 Cluster_5 NW_026851515.1 77511 78358 848 5726 946 0.004 - UAGAUAUGUCACUGUUUAUUUCAUUGUC 661 53 5066 261 114 98 134 N N NA
NW_026851515.1:78386-79090 Cluster_6 NW_026851515.1 78386 79090 705 1240 239 0.011 - UGUAGUUCUUUGAAUAUAUCUCAGUCAUUG 264 6 1217 1 5 5 6 N N NA
NW_026851515.1:79280-79708 Cluster_7 NW_026851515.1 79280 79708 429 946 115 0.011 - UUAUAUAUGUUCUUGCUGAUCUUAAUUGG 396 4 927 9 1 2 3 N N NA
NW_026851515.1:79774-80496 Cluster_8 NW_026851515.1 79774 80496 723 7823 1009 0.015 - UUUGAUCGCUGUUUUUCAAUAUGACUGUGC 848 90 7238 248 71 48 128 N N NA
NW_026851515.1:88853-89546 Cluster_9 NW_026851515.1 88853 89546 694 1600 307 0.036 - UCUGACUGUUUAUGUGUUUAAUAUAUAACC 221 10 1541 1 11 21 16 N N NA
Nummber of potential loci:
Column 20 of the Results.txt
file identifies if a cluster is a miRNA or not (Y
or N
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
echo "Number of loci characterized as miRNA:"
awk '$20=="Y" {print $0}' ${output_dir_top}/ShortStack_out/Results.txt \
| wc -l
echo ""
echo "----------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo "Number of loci _not_ characterized as miRNA:"
awk '$20=="N" {print $0}' ${output_dir_top}/ShortStack_out/Results.txt \
| wc -l
Number of loci characterized as miRNA:
Number of loci _not_ characterized as miRNA:
Column 21 of the Results.txt
file identifies if a cluster aligned to a known miRNA (miRBase) or not (Y
or NA
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
echo "Number of loci matching miRBase miRNAs:"
awk '$21!="NA" {print $0}' ${output_dir_top}/ShortStack_out/Results.txt \
| wc -l
echo ""
echo "----------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo "Number of loci _not_ matching miRBase miRNAs:"
awk '$21=="NA" {print $0}' ${output_dir_top}/ShortStack_out/Results.txt \
| wc -l
Number of loci matching miRBase miRNAs:
Number of loci _not_ matching miRBase miRNAs:
Although there are 92 loci with matches to miRBase miRNAs, ShortStack did not annotate 55 of these clusters as miRNAs likely because they do not also match secondary structure criteria.
This explains the difference between the 46 and 37 miRNAs.
6.2.1 Directory tree of all ShortStack outputs
Many of these are large (by GitHub standards) BAM files, so will not be added to the repo.
Additionally, it’s unlikely we’ll utilize most of the other files (bigwig) generated by ShortStack.
# Load bash variables into memory
source .bashvars
tree -h ${output_dir_top}/
├── [ 27K] shortstack.log
└── [432K] ShortStack_out
├── [ 84M] 196-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [697K] 196-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [270M] 196-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 64M] 199-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [642K] 199-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [205M] 199-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 76M] 211-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [667K] 211-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [242M] 211-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 72M] 24-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [670K] 24-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [223M] 24-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 71M] 260-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [672K] 260-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [221M] 260-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 61M] 26-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [646K] 26-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [187M] 26-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 74M] 30-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [658K] 30-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [235M] 30-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 71M] 310-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [667K] 310-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [222M] 310-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 72M] 33-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [665K] 33-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [227M] 33-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 69M] 341-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [667K] 341-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [213M] 341-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 79M] 34-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [669K] 34-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [251M] 34-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 64M] 35-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [649K] 35-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [199M] 35-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 68M] 363-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [640K] 363-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [216M] 363-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 74M] 367-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [673K] 367-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [231M] 367-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [104M] 376-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [703K] 376-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [339M] 376-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 72M] 460-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [670K] 460-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [230M] 460-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 72M] 485-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [665K] 485-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [228M] 485-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 85M] 501-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [697K] 501-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [269M] 501-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 99M] 71-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [725K] 71-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [320M] 71-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [ 78M] 88-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam
├── [683K] 88-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.bam.csi
├── [250M] 88-fastp-adapters-polyG-31bp-merged_condensed.fa
├── [111K] alignment_details.tsv
├── [3.4M] Counts.txt
├── [1.6M] known_miRNAs.gff3
├── [1.7M] known_miRNAs_unaligned.fasta
├── [1.3G] merged_alignments.bam
├── [748K] merged_alignments.bam.csi
├── [ 11K] mir.fasta
├── [3.3M] Results.gff3
├── [4.8M] Results.txt
└── [4.0K] strucVis
├── [8.0K]
├── [6.7K] Cluster_11267.txt
├── [ 10K]
├── [ 20K] Cluster_13141.txt
├── [ 11K]
├── [ 37K] Cluster_13225.txt
├── [8.2K]
├── [ 17K] Cluster_13226.txt
├── [9.0K]
├── [ 29K] Cluster_13708.txt
├── [9.4K]
├── [ 33K] Cluster_14095.txt
├── [9.3K]
├── [ 52K] Cluster_14096.txt
├── [8.9K]
├── [5.9K] Cluster_15325.txt
├── [9.8K]
├── [ 18K] Cluster_15635.txt
├── [8.3K]
├── [4.8K] Cluster_15636.txt
├── [ 12K]
├── [ 19K] Cluster_15637.txt
├── [8.6K]
├── [ 23K] Cluster_15638.txt
├── [ 11K]
├── [ 37K] Cluster_15639.txt
├── [9.1K]
├── [4.1K] Cluster_16249.txt
├── [9.3K]
├── [3.5K] Cluster_16250.txt
├── [9.1K]
├── [6.1K] Cluster_17619.txt
├── [9.0K]
├── [ 16K] Cluster_1785.txt
├── [8.4K]
├── [6.2K] Cluster_19246.txt
├── [8.5K]
├── [9.0K] Cluster_20177.txt
├── [ 10K]
├── [ 54K] Cluster_2042.txt
├── [8.3K]
├── [ 41K] Cluster_22161.txt
├── [9.4K]
├── [ 44K] Cluster_22586.txt
├── [7.7K]
├── [ 13K] Cluster_23993.txt
├── [8.7K]
├── [ 12K] Cluster_24004.txt
├── [9.0K]
├── [7.5K] Cluster_24617.txt
├── [8.4K]
├── [ 21K] Cluster_25443.txt
├── [8.3K]
├── [ 21K] Cluster_2646.txt
├── [9.2K]
├── [ 29K] Cluster_29018.txt
├── [ 12K]
├── [ 26K] Cluster_31844.txt
├── [7.4K]
├── [4.5K] Cluster_32917.txt
├── [9.3K]
├── [ 25K] Cluster_32918.txt
├── [7.5K]
├── [3.4K] Cluster_32919.txt
├── [9.4K]
├── [ 10K] Cluster_3720.txt
├── [8.2K]
├── [2.2K] Cluster_4396.txt
├── [8.0K]
├── [2.1K] Cluster_5150.txt
├── [7.5K]
├── [5.6K] Cluster_9285.txt
├── [ 11K]
└── [5.4K] Cluster_9399.txt
2 directories, 144 files