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Intro (Blast)

Blast is a key component of working with lesser studied taxa. Here are some resources to help with this.

First off, you should be familar with the command line interface and bash

Blast Notebooks

Gene Ontology (GO)

Retrieve GO terms from UniProt Using SwissProt IDs

The following steps will use the UniProt Python API to create a tab-delimited file of data retrieved from UniProt.

  1. Create newline-delimited file of SwissProt IDs. (e.g. SPIDS.txt)

    cat SPIDS.txt
  2. Create Python file (e.g. with the following:

    import re
    import zlib
    import gzip
    import requests
    from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter, Retry
    import sys
    import shutil
    import os
    re_next_link = re.compile(r'<(.+)>; rel="next"')
    retries = Retry(total=5, backoff_factor=0.25, status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504])
    session = requests.Session()
    session.mount("https://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
    def get_next_link(headers):
        if "Link" in headers:
            match = re_next_link.match(headers["Link"])
            if match:
    def get_batch(batch_url):
        while batch_url:
            response = session.get(batch_url)
            total = response.headers["x-total-results"]
            yield response, total
            batch_url = get_next_link(response.headers)
    def process_accessions(accessions):
        accession_batches = [accessions[i:i+500] for i in range(0, len(accessions), 500)]
        all_lines = []
        for accession_batch in accession_batches:
            accession_query = '%29%20OR%20%28accession%3A'.join(accession_batch)
            url = f"  fields=accession%2Creviewed%2Cid%2Cprotein_name%2Cgene_names%2Corganism_name%2Clength%2Cgo_p%2Cgo_c%2Cgo%2Cgo_f%2Cgo_id&format=tsv&   query=%28%28accession%3A{accession_query}%29%29&size=500"
            progress = 0
            lines = []
            for batch, total in get_batch(url):
                # Decompress each batch as we want to extract the header
                decompressed = zlib.decompress(batch.content, 16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS)
                batch_lines = [line for line in decompressed.decode("utf-8").split("\n") if line]
                if not progress:
                    # First line so print TSV header
                    lines = [batch_lines[0]]
                lines += batch_lines[1:]
                progress = len(lines) - 1
                print(f"{progress} / {total}")
        return all_lines
    def main(accession_file, output_dir):
        with open(accession_file, 'r') as f:
            accessions =
        retrieved_data = process_accessions(accessions)
        # Write to a temporary gzip file
        temp_filename = "uniprot-retrieval-temp.tsv.gz"
        with, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        # Determine the full output path
        output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "uniprot-retrieval.tsv.gz")
        # Merge the temporary file with the existing output file (if it exists)
            with, "rb") as f_existing, open(temp_filename, "rb") as f_temp:
                with"uniprot-retrieval-merged.tsv.gz", "wb") as f_merged:
                    shutil.copyfileobj(f_existing, f_merged)
                    shutil.copyfileobj(f_temp, f_merged)
            # Replace the original output file with the merged file
            shutil.move("uniprot-retrieval-merged.tsv.gz", output_path)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            # If the existing output file doesn't exist, rename the temporary file
            shutil.move(temp_filename, output_path)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        if len(sys.argv) < 3:
            print("Usage: python <input_file> <output_directory>")
        accession_file = sys.argv[1]
        output_dir = sys.argv[2]
        if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
        main(accession_file, output_dir)
  3. Run the Python script:

    python3 SPIDS.txt /path/to/desired/output/directory/
    - IMPORTANT: Requires Python >= 3!

    • If using R Markdown, run the above in a bash chunk:

The resulting output file (uniprot-retrieval.tsv.gz) will be in the specified directory.

  1. Gunzip the output file:

    gunzip uniprot-retrieval.tsv.gz

The resulting file (uniprot-retrieval.tsv) will be formatted with the following columns:

Entry Reviewed Entry Name Protein names Gene Names Organism Length Gene Ontology (biological process) Gene Ontology (cellular component) Gene Ontology (molecular function) Gene Ontology (GO) Gene Ontology IDs


  • This requires Python >= 3 to run. Simplest way to access Python 3 is via a conda environment.

  • On the first attempt, you'll likely need to install the packages that are being imported at the very beginning of the script.

  • Create an issue if you need help with any of the above.

Genome features

In addition to sequence database alignment, finding spatial relationship within a genome is also an import approach for annotation. Often this is done using software tools such as bedtools.


see also

Transcriptome (Trinity)

After transcriptome assembly using Trinity, run the numbered steps below, in order.

NOTE: The following info is long and requires the use of many programs. All of the code listed below are solely examples. Making the commands functional requires a fair amount of organization (i.e. listing paths to programs and input/output files, creating subdirectories for organizing outputs, etc.). See the Use Cases at the end of this section for a more complete picture of how to organize/run this pipeline.

  1. Transdecoder

    • Identify longest open reading frames (ORFs).

    • Use transcriptome assembly and gene-trans map from Trinity assembly.

      TransDecoder.LongOrfs \
      --gene_trans_map Trinity.fasta.gene_trans_map \
      -t Trinity.fasta"
  2. BLASTp

    • Run blastp on long ORFs from Step 1 above.

    • Output format 6 produces a standard BLAST tab-delimited file.

    • Settings are recommended in TransDecoder documentation.

    • Peptide database (-db uniprot_sprot.pep) is supplied with Trinotate (e.g. Trinotate-v3.1.1/admin/uniprot_sprot.pep), but can be changed to use your own version.

      blastp \
      -query longest_orfs.pep \
      -db uniprot_sprot.pep \
      -max_target_seqs 1 \
      -outfmt 6 \
      -evalue 1e-5 \
      -num_threads ${threads} \
      > Trinity.fasta.blastp.outfmt6

    • Run DIAMOND blastx on long ORFs from Step 1 above.

    • Output format 6 produces a standard BLAST tab-delimited file.

    • Settings (--evalue and --max-target-seqs) are recommended in TransDecoder documentation.

    • --block-size and --index-chunks are specific to running DIAMOND BLASTx.

    • --db uniprot_sprot.dmnd is a DIAMOND-formatted BLAST database. User can generate their own.

      diamond blastx \
      --db uniprot_sprot.dmnd \
      --query Trinity.fasta \
      --out Trinity.fasta.blastx.outfmt6 \
      --outfmt 6 \
      --evalue 1e-4 \
      --max-target-seqs 1 \
      --block-size 15.0 \
      --index-chunks 4
  4. pFam

    • Run pfam search on long ORFs from Step 1 above.

    • Protein hidden Markov model database (Pfam-A.hmm) is supplied with Trinotate (e.g. Trinotate-v3.1.1/admin/Pfam-A.hmm), but can be changed to use your own version.

      hmmscan \
      --cpu ${threads} \
      --domtblout Trinity.fasta.pfam.domtblout \
      Pfam-A.hmm \
  5. Transdecoder

    • Run Transdecoder using transcriptome assembly FastA, blastp and Pfam results.
    TransDecoder.Predict \
        -t Trinity.fasta \
        --retain_pfam_hits Trinity.fasta.pfam.domtblout \
        --retain_blastp_hits Trinity.fasta.blastp.outfmt6
  6. Trinotate

    • Trinotate requires a large number of steps and programs!

      • Run signalp

        signalp \
        -f short \
        -n Trinity.fasta.trinotate.signalp.out \
      • Run tmHMM

        tmhmm \
        --short \
        < longest_orfs.pep \
        > Trinity.fasta.trinotate.tmhmm.out
      • Run RNAmmer

        • Uses a special Trinotate implementation of rnammer (e.g. Trinotate/util/rnammer_support/ \
        --transcriptome Trinity.fasta \
        --path_to_rnammer rnammer
      • Load transcripts and coding regions into Trinotate SQLite database

        Trinotate \
        Trinotate.sqlite \
        init \
        --gene_trans_map Trinity.fasta.gene_trans_map \
        --transcript_fasta Tinity.fasta \
        --transdecoder_pep longest_orfs.pep
      • Load BLASTp/x homologies into SQLite database

        Trinotate \
        Trinotate.sqlite \
        LOAD_swissprot_blastp \
        Trinotate \
        Trinotate.sqlite \
        LOAD_swissprot_blastx \
      • Load Pfam into SQLite database

        Trinotate \
        Trinotate.sqlite \
        LOAD_pfam \
      • Load transmembrane domains

        Trinotate \
        Trinotate.sqlite \
        LOAD_tmhmm \
      • Load signal peptides

        Trinotate \
        Trinotate.sqlite \
        LOAD_signalp \
      • Load RNAmmer

        Trinotate \
        Trinotate.sqlite \
        LOAD_rnammer \
      • Create annotation report

        Trinotate \
        Trinotate.sqlite \
        report \
        > Trinity.fasta.annotation_report.txt
      • Extract gene ontology (GO) terms from annotation report \
        --Trinotate_xls Trinity.fasta.annotation_report.txt \
        -G \
        --include_ancestral_terms \
        > Trinity.fasta.go_annotations.txt
        • The output file is formatted like this (<trinity-id>``<tab>``<GO:NNNNNN,GO:NNNNN,...>):
        TRINITY_DN0_c0_g1   GO:0003674,GO:0003824,GO:0003964,GO:0006139,GO:0006259,GO:0006310,GO:0006313,GO:0006725,GO:0006807,GO:0008150,GO:0008152,GO:0009987,GO:0016740,GO:0016772,GO:0016779,GO:0032196,GO:0034061,GO:0034641,GO:0043170,GO:0044237,GO:0044238,GO:0044260,GO:0044699,GO:0044710,GO:0044763,GO:0046483,GO:0071704,GO:0090304,GO:1901360
        TRINITY_DN0_c10_g1  GO:0003674,GO:0003824,GO:0004659,GO:0004660,GO:0005488,GO:0005575,GO:0005829,GO:0005875,GO:0005965,GO:0006464,GO:0006807,GO:0008150,GO:0008152,GO:0008270,GO:0008318,GO:0009987,GO:0016740,GO:0016765,GO:0018342,GO:0018343,GO:0019538,GO:0032991,GO:0036211,GO:0043167,GO:0043169,GO:0043170,GO:0043234,GO:0043412,GO:0044237,GO:0044238,GO:0044260,GO:0044267,GO:0044422,GO:0044424,GO:0044430,GO:0044444,GO:0044446,GO:0044464,GO:0046872,GO:0046914,GO:0071704,GO:0097354,GO:1901564,GO:1902494,GO:1990234
        TRINITY_DN0_c2_g4   GO:0000166,GO:0003674,GO:0005488,GO:0005524,GO:0005575,GO:0005737,GO:0005856,GO:0017076,GO:0030554,GO:0032553,GO:0032555,GO:0032559,GO:0035639,GO:0036094,GO:0043167,GO:0043168,GO:0043226,GO:0043228,GO:0043229,GO:0043232,GO:0044424,GO:0044464,GO:0097159,GO:0097367,GO:1901265,GO:1901363
    • Make transcript features annotation map

      ``` \
      Trinity.fasta.annotation_report.txt \
      > Trinity.fasta.annotation_feature_map.txt