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Transcriptome Assembly

Introductory guide to transcriptome assembly using Trinity and short-read sequencing data.


A normal starting point would be having raw sequence data provided by a core facility. When downloading said data you need to make sure you check the integrity of the files after transfer by confirming checksum hashes (usually MD5 checksums) match those provided by the sequencing facility.

You should run FastQC to assess sequencing quality. This might vary based on the details of your project but generally you can ID outliers and those samples with poor read quality. Presence of adapters can also be visualized.


Quality and adapter trimming is required prior to assembly. fastp is recommended due to its speed and FastQC-like report(s). Additionally, the output from fastp can also be analyzed by MultiQC (requires a "plug-in"). Trimmed files should be passed through FastQC and assessed. Although rare, some projects may require a second round of trimming.

Alternatively, Trinity has trimming capabilities built in, using Trimmomatic. Although convenient, it limits the ability to assess post-trimming sequencing data prior to assembly.


Trinity is the de facto standard. It is well-documented, well-supported, and actively updated. Additionally, the developer is very responsive, considerate, and helpful to all GitHub Issues.

Trinity is powerful and has complex, but useful options availalbe. Take time to consider how you will use your assembly for later analysis. Trinity has many options available for downstream analysis (e.g. gene expression) that can be simplified with careful planning prior to assembly.

Due to the intensive processing required for assembly (high CPU and RAM usage), it is highly recommended to run all assemblies on an execute node on Mox. As such, all code examples are written with the assumption that the commands are being run on Mox.

Sample list file

It is recommended to create a sample list file for Trinity to use. One of the biggest benefits is that this sample file list can be used for other downstream operations in the Trinity pipeline. Additionally, it's an easy way to document which sequencing files were used for assembly. Here's the example from Trinity. Sample file list is tab-delimited like this:

cond_A    cond_A_rep1    A_rep1_left.fq    A_rep1_right.fq
cond_A    cond_A_rep2    A_rep2_left.fq    A_rep2_right.fq
cond_B    cond_B_rep1    B_rep1_left.fq    B_rep1_right.fq
cond_B    cond_B_rep2    B_rep2_left.fq    B_rep2_right.fq

Stranded sequencing reads

Trinity has the option (--SS_lib_type) to specify whether or not the sequences you're assembly are "stranded". This is dependent upon the library construction. With that said, most paired-end RNA-seq project libraries are constructed using Illumina's stranded kit. As such, the user should specify this in the following fashion as on option in the Trinity command (example specifies typical stranded libraries): --SS_lib_type RF

If you do not know whether your libraries are stranded or not (for example, if you downloaded RNA-seq data from NCBI and the metadata doesn't indicate library construction methodology), Trinity has a built-in tool to help assess your sequencing reads, after assembly:


De novo assembly

A de novo assembly is an assembly that is done without the use of a reference genome. Here's an example command, using trimmed paired-end reads. This set of commands will assembly the reads into contigs, generate assembly statistics, a gene map file (maps isoforms to "gene" names), and a sequence length file (useful for downstream gene expression).

# Perform assembly
${trinity_dir}/Trinity \
--seqType fq \
--SS_lib_type RF \
--max_memory 100G \
--CPU ${threads} \
--samples_file ${samples}

# Assembly stats
${trinity_dir}/util/ \
trinity_out_dir/"${fasta_name}" \
> ${assembly_stats}

# Create gene map files
${trinity_dir}/util/support_scripts/ \
trinity_out_dir/"${fasta_name}" \
> "${fasta_name}".gene_trans_map

# Create sequence lengths file (used for differential gene expression)
${trinity_dir}/util/misc/ \
trinity_out_dir/"${fasta_name}" \
> "${fasta_name}".seq_lens
  • --max_memory 100G should not be changed, per communications with the developer.

Use cases from our lab

Genome-guided assembly

A genome-guided assembly is an assembly which utilizes a reference genome. This requires a sorted BAM as input, which means you have to have previously aligned your RNA-seq reads to a reference genome. See our Handbook entry on using Hisat2 for read alignment. Here's an example command, using trimmed paired-end reads. This set of commands will assembly the reads into contigs, generate assembly statistics, a gene map file (maps isoforms to "gene" names), and a sequence length file (useful for downstream gene expression).

# Perform assembly
${programs_array[trinity]} \
--genome_guided_bam ${sorted_bam} \
--genome_guided_max_intron ${max_intron} \
--seqType fq \
--SS_lib_type RF \
--max_memory 100GB \
--CPU ${threads} \
--samples_file ${samples}

# Assembly stats
${trinity_dir}/util/ \
trinity_out_dir/"${fasta_name}" \
> ${assembly_stats}

# Create gene map files
${trinity_dir}/util/support_scripts/ \
trinity_out_dir/"${fasta_name}" \
> "${fasta_name}".gene_trans_map

# Create sequence lengths file (used for differential gene expression)
${trinity_dir}/util/misc/ \
trinity_out_dir/"${fasta_name}" \
> "${fasta_name}".seq_lens
  • --genome_guided_max_intron ${max_intron}: The value used in the Trinity examples is 10000.

  • --max_memory 100G should not be changed, per communications with the developer.

Use cases from our lab

Output files

Both types of assemblies listed above will generate your assembly as a FastA file:

  • Trinity.fasta: This is the default name.

If you ran the commands above you will also get the following files:

  • assembly_stats.txt: Statistics on your assembly. Will look something like this:

    ## Counts of transcripts, etc.
    Total trinity 'genes':  887315
    Total trinity transcripts:  1849486
    Percent GC: 36.26
    Stats based on ALL transcript contigs:
    Contig N10: 7967
    Contig N20: 5284
    Contig N30: 3814
    Contig N40: 2801
    Contig N50: 2062
    Median contig length: 562
    Average contig: 1117.46
    Total assembled bases: 2066718534
    ## Stats based on ONLY LONGEST ISOFORM per 'GENE':
    Contig N10: 6904
    Contig N20: 4398
    Contig N30: 3003
    Contig N40: 2120
    Contig N50: 1501
    Median contig length: 434
    Average contig: 860.79
    Total assembled bases: 763788564
  • Trinity.fasta.gene_trans_map:

    TRINITY_GG_1_c20044_g1  TRINITY_GG_1_c20044_g1_i2
    TRINITY_GG_1_c20044_g1  TRINITY_GG_1_c20044_g1_i4
    TRINITY_GG_1_c27757_g4  TRINITY_GG_1_c27757_g4_i1
    TRINITY_GG_1_c4646_g1   TRINITY_GG_1_c4646_g1_i1
    TRINITY_GG_1_c31636_g3  TRINITY_GG_1_c31636_g3_i1
    TRINITY_GG_1_c5375_g1   TRINITY_GG_1_c5375_g1_i2
    TRINITY_GG_1_c5375_g1   TRINITY_GG_1_c5375_g1_i7
    TRINITY_GG_1_c5375_g1   TRINITY_GG_1_c5375_g1_i5
    TRINITY_GG_1_c5375_g1   TRINITY_GG_1_c5375_g1_i6
    TRINITY_GG_1_c5375_g1   TRINITY_GG_1_c5375_g1_i4
    TRINITY_GG_1_c5375_g1   TRINITY_GG_1_c5375_g1_i1
  • Trinity.fasta.seq_lens:

    #fasta_entry    length
    TRINITY_GG_1_c20044_g1_i2   1058
    TRINITY_GG_1_c20044_g1_i4   1057
    TRINITY_GG_1_c27757_g4_i1   265
    TRINITY_GG_1_c4646_g1_i1    347
    TRINITY_GG_1_c31636_g3_i1   215
    TRINITY_GG_1_c5375_g1_i2    324
    TRINITY_GG_1_c5375_g1_i7    511
    TRINITY_GG_1_c5375_g1_i5    349
    TRINITY_GG_1_c5375_g1_i6    340

Gene expression
